How to Avoid Unrealistic Marketing Lead Goals

A good friend in our industry recently let me interview them.

Like many companies, their marketing and sales departments are completely separate, each with different KPIs. For their marketing team, the goal is to generate a certain number of leads within a specific budget.

I asked, “Is there no accountability for quality?” The answer was mixed:

There is accountability, but only indirectly. Leads and cost per lead (CPL) are the main metrics. But if sales isn’t converting those leads, the problem bounces back to marketing. This can lead to unreasonable demands for more leads within the same budget, potential budget cuts, or worse. It often turns into a guessing game about what the true goals are for lead quality.

The consequences of poor lead-to-conversion rates are clear. They lead to missed sales targets, potential downsizing, or even going out of business.

Struggling to balance increasing lead goals with poor conversion rates
Are you struggling with the solution to increase lead goals to make up for poor conversion rates?

The Problem:

  • Lack of Integration: The core issue is that sales and marketing departments are not integrated enough. This separation prevents effective collaboration and a critical feedback loop necessary to improve lead quality and conversions.
  • Unreasonable Expectations: When conversions drop, revenue decreases, leaving less money to reinvest in marketing. You’re then tasked with reallocating your existing budget to improve lead volume while maintaining or enhancing lead quality.
  • Immense Pressure and Burnout: This expectation places immense pressure on you and your marketing team, leading to burnout and decreased morale.
  • Reactive Strategies: This situation often results in a reactive approach to marketing strategy rather than a proactive one.

The Solution:

  • Collaboration and Feedback Loop: Integrating sales and marketing efforts can enhance collaboration and create a feedback loop that improves lead quality and conversions. Regular meetings, shared KPIs, and collaborative tools can help bridge the gap.
  • Lead Nurturing: Marketing can step in to help improve conversions post-lead through automated nurturing, along with a content and messaging strategy that’s trigger/behavior-based and personalized. Here’s how:
    • Helpful Lead Nurturing Systems: Provide resources, next steps, support, and encouragement throughout your customer’s journey.
    • Real-Time Behavior Triggers: Systems that respond in real-time to your customer’s behavior and status, ensuring timely and relevant interactions.
    • Multichannel Engagement: Use the channels your customers do: email, text, WhatsApp, and social media remarketing.
    • Engaging Formats: Personalized videos and calls to action (CTAs) such as scheduling appointments or texting sales are key components. For example, our text messages include personalized animated gifs to capture attention and prompt a click for engagement.
Demonstrating a landing page for personalized video on a smartphone
A demonstration of a landing page for personalized video from a smartphone.

Real-Time Personalized Video:

Real-time personalized videos sent through text messages significantly enhance your customer journey. These videos act as digital guides, checking in with your customers throughout their journey with customized reminders on dates, times, and necessary actions.

Sometimes, they even encourage social media engagement, such as taking a picture with branded AR glasses and making a social post. This approach not only provides public commitment but also garners public support.

Take Action:

Ready to combat unreasonable lead goals and improve your lead-to-conversion rate? Let’s chat! Our lead nurturing programs are designed to transform your marketing strategy and drive better results.

Contact me today to learn more and see the difference we can make together.

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Published by

Bryan Kofsky

Bryan Kofsky, a Sales System Engineer and technology enthusiast, expertly navigates the intersection of marketing, sales, and AI-driven automation. Currently revolutionizing sales at MDT Marketing, he's a certified HubSpot Solutions Partner and Google Certified Professional. Beyond his professional life, Bryan explores home automation and literature, inviting you to join his journey through his insightful blog.

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