It was great to be on the Chat with Charlie podcast! And talk about—podcasts.
Charlie’s an incredible, charming, and engaging host. I can’t wait to return!
Check out the episode for yourself.
We go into:
- Strategy for developing a podcast (and content in general)
- What drew me into some of my favorites and how you can draw people into your content channels too.
- Why your content should embrace your authentic hobbies and interests (like skateboarding and wings challenges), especially in the face of AI
- The technology adoption cycle: Crossing The Chasm
- The value of guest chemistry and diverse voices to enrich learning, including from other industries.
- The potential for podcasts to serve multiple purposes beyond audience growth, including internal team building and recruitment.
- Thoughts for not wanting to niche down too much, to remain relatable to a wider audience.
- What it takes for long-term success as a content creator.
- Culture and Jerry Maguire
- “Getting a seat at the table”
- And more!
Bonus: Find out which podcasts made it into our Top 5!
And don’t forget to subscribe to Chat with Charlie on YouTube and watch our episode: Content Strategy on Chat with Charlie
Hey, and before you leave go ahead and give my blog a subscribe too!😁
I’ve also expanded the discussion on LinkedIn:
You might be wondering: “Is it here to take your job?”
“How will you…
who are enthusiastic about new technology,
and the early majority, who are more cautious
and value reassurance from previous adopters.
Crossing this chasm is crucial for a product’s
long-term success and market adoption.